The coronavirus has exacerbated inequities and disconnections that affect many of our students. It has also brought to light all of the things that we've been fighting for that have not been addressed to this day. If it's not now then when? The truth is the truth and now it's more apparent than ever. When is change going to come?
Barrier free accommodations and environment
Language assistance to speed up student assimilation
Establishing standards and procedures to make our school virus resilient
Ligia Andrade Zuniga is the best choice for the San Mateo Union High School District Board of Trustees. I have known her for many years, and her leadership on different commissions and boards representing these communities proves her ability.
“California State Senate representing the 13th Senate District which encompasses the San Francisco Peninsula and portions of Silicon Valley”
“San Mateo County Superintendent of Schools”
We want everyone to grow and be successful